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Prosperity Plus Class

Starting on Saturday, February 05, 2022 from 10 AM – 12noon via ZOOM

Prosperity Plus is another opportunity to be “Grounded in Spirit” and explore ways that lead to our greatest self-expression. Prosperity Plus is a CSL-accredited course offering a transformational curriculum based on eleven Spiritual Principles designed to create success in all areas of your life – relationships, well-being/health, creative expression/career, and finances. This seven-week course includes weekly videos created by Mary Morrissey – speaker, best-selling author, and consultant.

The course is facilitated by Joanne Allison, RScP, and Phillip Flores, RScP.

Registration cost is $45, plus course materials. Further information will be provided upon completion of registration.

Joanne Allison, RScP

Instructor: Joanne Allison, RScP

Assistant Instructor / Registrar: Phillip Flores, RScP

Course Format: via Zoom

Starting Saturday, February 05, 2022:
7 weeks on Saturdays from 10:00AM-12Noon Pacific Time

For CSL Credit: Full payment, attend 6 of 7 sessions minimum, complete all assigned work.

Registration Fee: $45; Instructions on how to purchase course materials ($40-$50 NOT PAYABLE TO CSL) will be given after registration.

Please contact the Center office (360-734-4160), if financial assistance is needed.